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On a bed of eternal stones

sculpture installation 

The most widespread method in the desert, discovered by Mattingly, is burial in the squatting position. Faraj Al-Rashidi spoke about it in a study entitled: “Burial customs among the Garamantes,” and Dr. Miftah Othman Abd Rabbuh in a study entitled: “An anthropological study of ancient Libyans through a comparison of grave remains and historical and archaeological documents.” In this method, stones are placed on top of the grave in a pyramidal shape, and the graves in Wadi Al-Ajal are a good example of this. The method of burial was not just a method. Failure to bury the dead in the correct manner is considered a refusal to allow the dead to enter the community of the missing. Maintaining social behavior towards death ensures the safety of the dead on their journey. The mummy that Mori found in Wan Muhajij was buried in the same manner and dates back to 5420 years BC. This confirms the existence of specific, known burial rituals used throughout the Libyan desert.